Monday 1 November 2010

Silverlight ListBox Multi Select

For those who need to set the selected items (Multi Select) of the list box to a property,
you can use the following class:

     public static class ListBoxSelectedItems 
         private static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedItemsBehaviorProperty =
                 "SelectedItemsBehavior" ,
         public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemsProperty = 
                 "Items" ,
                 new PropertyMetadata(null, ItemsPropertyChanged));
         public static void SetItems(ListBox listBox, IList list) 
     {listBox.SetValue(ItemsProperty, list); }
         public static IList GetItems(ListBox listBox) 
     { return listBox.GetValue(ItemsProperty) as IList; }
         private static void ItemsPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, 
    DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs  e)
             var  target = d as ListBox ;
             if  (target != null )
                 GetOrCreateBehavior(target, e.NewValue as IList );
         private static SelectedItemsBehavior GetOrCreateBehavior(ListBox target, IList list)
             var behavior = target.GetValue(SelectedItemsBehaviorProperty) 
        as SelectedItemsBehavior;
             if(behavior == null)
                 behavior = new  SelectedItemsBehavior (target, list);
                 target.SetValue(SelectedItemsBehaviorProperty, behavior);
             return behavior;
     public class SelectedItemsBehavior 
         private readonly ListBox _listBox;
         private bool _isListChanging = false ;
         private bool _isSelectionChanging = false ;
         private IList _boundList;
         public SelectedItemsBehavior(ListBox listBox, IList boundList)
             _boundList = boundList;
             _listBox = listBox;
             // attach the selection changed event 
             _listBox.SelectionChanged += OnSelectionChanged;
             // attach the collection changed event 
             var collectionChanged = _boundList as INotifyCollectionChanged;
             if(collectionChanged != null )
                 collectionChanged.CollectionChanged += BoundList_CollectionChanged;
         private void OnSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
             // only fire this event when the list is not changing to prevent circular loop 
             if  (!_isListChanging)
                 _isSelectionChanging = true;
                 foreach  (var item in _listBox.SelectedItems)
                 _isSelectionChanging = false;
         private void BoundList_CollectionChanged(object sender, 
     System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
             // only fire this event when the list is not changing to prevent circular loop 
             if  (!_isSelectionChanging)
                 _isListChanging = true;
                 _isListChanging = false;
         private void SetSelectedItems()
             if  (listBox.SelectionMode == SelectionMode .Single)
                 if  (_boundList != null && _boundList.Count > 0)
                     _listBox.SelectedItem = _boundList[0];
                 foreach(object item in _boundList)
                     // References in _boundList might not be the same as in _listBox.Items  
                     int  i = _listBox.Items.IndexOf(item);
                     if  (i >= 0)
         private void ODataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)